Project Goal
Code a website with topic of choice can be anything like work experience, areas of expertise or interest, personal information, career goals, hobbies, etc.
HTML Requirements
- Must include a page named index.html (as your site’s homepage)
- Should include additional HTML files as necessary to build out your site (for a total of 3 to 5pages), e.g. resume.html, all relatively linked through some form of navigational section
- All your html file(s) must be implemented using HTML5 and should be validated in an html5validator
- Within your site, include at a minimum:
- One table (with any contents)
- One ordered list (with any contents)
- One unordered list (with any contents)
- A third list that is a nested list (with any contents)
- Links and images*, as appropriate
- Copyright symbol, your name, and the current year at the end of every page
*Images must adhere to copyright law. Use your own multi-media work or freely reusable images (e.g. Creative Commons licensed work, DALL-E images you create, etc.) where desired.
CSS Requirements
- Your HTML files should link to your external css file in the head of your file (e.g., <linkrel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="screen.css">) and all CSS styles should be contained in this one external CSS file that is used across every page in your site.
- Your CSS file must validate according to the validator.
- In your CSS styles, you should at a minimum:
- Define and use one type selector, e.g. p {...}
- Define and use one id selector, e.g. #footer {...}
- Define and use one class selector, e.g. .description {...}
- Use CSS to generally style your page(s), e.g. to control border, width, color,background-color, font style, font size, layout and positioning, etc.